Sunday, October 31, 2010

Memories of Trees

It was a beautiful sunset at my parents home.  The glow in the birch trees and the quiet that come around in October.   This is the memory of a night in the fall of  2009.
This particular image of the trees, the glow and the quiet are quintessential in my memory of my mom who left us April 24, 2010.   May you be present in my memory of trees.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Begining and End

This picture is in honor and memory of  Doug.   This picture could be a sunrise or a sunset.  The time in between  is what counts.  We need to take the time to live the day and help others and grow to be the best we can be in whatever aspects that may be. Namaste: "I honor the spirit in you in which is also in me."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

First Light

On a very quiet morning in September 2010.  On a beach in the Outer Banks N.C.
Breaking waves and the slow warming sun rising.  The sound of  the new day at the beach and the day is beginning.